Harvested shrimp and milkfish are processed at our sister company, Fisher Farms. Fisher Farms has world-class facilities certified by the USDA (SSOP and HACCP), the EU (GMP), and the World Halal Council.
Fisher Farms is the leading aquaculture food processor in the country, and the largest Philippine supplier of farm-raised seafood to Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and North America. In 2012, Fisher Farms had the honor of winning the Superior Taste Award at the International Taste and Quality Institute in Belgium, making it the first Philippine food company to receive the prestigious award.
Fisher Farms offers a wide selection of fresh, frozen, value-added, and completely processed seafood products. Shrimp products available for international markets include peeled and deveined; peeled, tail on; head on; and headless. Value-added products available in domestic markets include tempura, shrimp curry, and butterfly cutswith breadcrumbs. Milkfish products include frozen whole fish, fish nuggets, smoked milk fish, and fish sausages. Visit to learn more.